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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Spot Science,Physics,Chemist


  1. Voltmeter / thermometer
  2. Momentum
  3. Refraction/ magnifying/ Snell’s law
  4. Forces of equilibrium
  5. Young double- slits/ interference of light
  6. Logic gates
  7. Specific heat capacity
  8. Bernoulli’s Principle
  1. Radioactive/ half-life/ Geiger- Muller counter / Cloud-chamber
  2. Archimedes / Buoyant force
  1. Series and parallel circuits.
  2. Galvanometer/ Choose suitable motor
Section A
  1. Resistant against length of wire.
  2. Magnification of convex lens over object distance.
Section B
  1. Water pressure (Pressure over depth)
  2. Number of coil over magnetic force


1. Heat conductivity of meal / non-metal or reactivity of metal with oxygen.
2. Nervous / Endocrine system / Continuous or discontinuous variation
3. Radioactive / Periodic table
5. Culture knap / Thermoplastic or thermosets

6. Pin-hole camera / mitosis / meiosis
7. Soap / fats
8. Mirror / Light colour
9. Alloy / Haber process (Ammonia)

10. Inertia
11. Ozone and water / air pollution
12. Electrolysis of extraction or purification / Thermoplastic & Thermosets


1.          Periodic table 
2.          Empirical formula of CuO / MgO 
3.          Contact & Haber 
4.         Danielle cell and electrolysis
5.          Heat of displacement
6.          Soap and detergent
7.          Bonding à Ionic / Covalent
8.          R.O.R à factors affecting
9.          Electroplating, U-tube, Rusting
10.    Carbon compound

1.          Titration
2.          R.O.R à Concentration / TSA/V
3.          Position of metal in ECS à Voltaic cell
4. Heat of Neutralisation

Friday, November 18, 2011


  • lebih kurang sejam yang lalu
    Mimie Rozmiza Rozman
    • PAI
      haji,perkara wjb haji,dam,umrh,
      pembtln iman,nifak/munafik,sihir,syirik,dosa bsar,makan harta anak yatim,lari dri mdan perng, curi,liwat musahakah ,zina,riba
      ,adab berfkir,adab dngan rasullah,adb dtmpt rekriasi,adb mnzarh jenzh,adb brzkr
      imn malik n iman ahmd hambl,iman abu hanifh,
      kerjaan bni umaiyah,cri kepmpnan,penyebrn islm,sdina ali,dsr pmrnthn sdina islam,kerajaan bni umaiyah,prkmnbngan pnddkan,faktor kegemlngan kemjuan ekonomi
  • 54 minit yang lalu
    Rafieq Aplus Spm
    • f0m 5>kawin,msalah rmhtnga,prkara mmbtlkn iman,d0sa besar,ajran sesat,imam malik& hanafi..sheikh thir jalaludin,ibnu khaldun,k.arasyidin,bani umayah & abasiyah,haji,akikah,k0rban jual beli

Monday, November 14, 2011

SPM 2011

Hey exam maaaa................


Did you ready for it??? 
 Yeah GooD LuCk!

Monday, October 3, 2011

SPM sejarah 2011 spotted topics

SPM sejarah 2011 spotted topics
[Tingkatan 4]
Bab 2- Peningkatan Tamadun*
Bab 3- Tamadun Awal Asia Tenggara
Bab 5- Kerajaan Islam Madinah*
Bab 6- Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam dan Sumbangannya*
Bab 8- Pembaharuan dan Pengaruh Islam di Malaysia sebelum Kedatangan Barat
Bab 10- Dasar British dan Kesannya terhadap Ekonomi Negara**

[Tingkatan 5]
Bab 1- Kemunculan dan Perkembangan Nasionalisme di Asia Tenggara*
Bab 4- Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa Malaysia*
Bab 5- Pembinaan Negara dan Bangsa yang Merdeka*
Bab 6- Pengukuhan Negara dan Bangsa Malaysia**
Bab 9- Malaysia dalam Kerjasama Antarabangsa

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cara belajar untuk peperiksaan

Cara belajar untuk peperiksaan

Cara belajar untuk peperiksaan

Ambil buku dan baca dan buat latihan. Itu saja yang cikgu anda kata. Kalau tak faham tanya. Lepas balik rumah, terus pegang buku dan tidur. Oleh itu, hari ini anda kena baca bab 3 muka surat 23 topik 4 dan buat latihan topik 4. Kalau tak boleh buat baru tanya cikgu atau rujuk jawapan.

Sudah banyak kali saya berpesan supaya ambil buku dan baca. Kalau tak baca, bagaimana nak jawab? kalau tak pernah buat latihan, macam mana nak tahu solan macam mana yang akan ditanya? Kalau buat sikit latihan, bagaimana nak mahir? Bacalah perlahan-lahan dan selalu. Biasanya saya akan baca apabila ada “mood”, kalau baca apabila tak ada “mood”, memang tak guna. Tetapi, jangan asyik tak ada “mood”, cipta “mood” sendiri. Anda mesti tahu apa yang anda suka. Contohnya apabila tengok televisyen ada iklan, masuk bilik dan baca walaupun 5 minit tetap dinamakan baca.

Kalau subjek matematik, tak ada masalah dengar lagu dan tengok televisyen. Tetapi, kalau masa buat latihan esei pun dengar lagu, kemungkinan jawapan anda adalah lirik lagu.

Peperiksaan itu tidak penting. Tetapi menjadi penting apabila peperiksaan itu menjadi sebab untuk masuk universiti. Sebab nak masuk universiti adalah untuk belajar mengenai sesuatu bidang yang kita suka dan ilmu itu kita akan guna masa bekerja. Sesiapa yang dapat keputusan cemerlang peperiksaan, bolehlah masuk universiti dan belajar apa yang dia suka untuk guna masa bekerja.

Kalau anda lihat jadual kelas, anda akan lihat banyak masa Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris.Oleh itu, gunakan masa yang banyak itu untuk mahir subjek bahasa. Di rumah tak perlu ulangkaji subjek itu kerana sepatutnya dah mahir di sekolah.

Tuisyen 2 jam seminggu untuk satu subjek dengan harga RM20? Lebih baik upah orang untuk tengok anda baca buku, kemudian guna duit itu pergi makan di luar sebab dah habis belajar. Cikgu anda mengajar satu masa 40 minit. Contohnya Sejarah ada 3 masa dan itu bermakna anda belajar 2 jam seminggu. Manakala subjek Bahasa Melayu anda belajar selama 4 jam seminggu. Tetapi subjek Bahasa Melayu anda jawab peperiksaan hanya 4 jam 45 minit. Cikgu tuisyen adalah cikgu di yang mengajar di sekolah. Saja dia mengajar untuk tambah duit poket. Benda yang dia ajar memang tak lari daripada apa yang cikgu ajar. Mungkin cara dia ajar berlainan sedikit. Cikgu sebagus mana pun kalau anda balik tengok televisyen tanpa buka dan baca sedikit pun apa yang dia ajar, memang tak guna! Anda hendaklah baca! Buat latihan!

Saya cadangkan anda tengok soalan SPM tahun-tahun lepas dan cuba buat. Jangan nak berlagak anda buat banyak latihan dan baca banyak buku kalau soalan SPM tahun lepas tak boleh buat. Ada yang kata, buat apa buat latihan tahun lepas sebab mesti sudah tak tanya soalan yang sama. Anda perlu tahu, tujuan menjawabnya adalah untuk semak sama ada anda boleh buat atau tak, kalau masih tak boleh buat, macam mana nak jawab soalan yang sebenar. Kalau SPM boleh letak buku atas meja pun, belum tentu anda boleh jawab jika tak tahu cara menjawab. Kalau nak tahu tanya cikgu atau sesiapa saja cara menjawab.

Kalau tak minat tak payah baca banyak-banyak, nanti anda apabila bekerja nanti mesti tak akan minat bekerja yang menggunakan subjek itu.Walaupun begitu, anda perlu sapat A subjek bahasa Melayu, bahasa Inggeris, Matematik. Subjek-subjek sains seperti Fizik, Kimia, Biologi juga perlu dapat A kalau nak kerja hebat-hebat. Kalau nak jadi akauntan pun gaji besar juga, bagi dapat A subjek Prinsip akaun. Kalau nak gaji tinggi-tinggi, belajar kena pandai subjek sains (Fizik, Kimia, Biologi). Habis sangat dapat C pun jadi. Yang penting jangan biar saja buku tanpa anda baca. Ingatlah, lepas SPM banyak lagi benda-benda buang masa anda boleh buat. Sekarang ni cuba ambil satu buku subjek apa-apa dan lihat dan baca dan cuba jawab dan jawab. Mana ada rahsia lain selain baca, minum air jampi satu tong pun belum tentu boleh dapat A. Pernahkah anda jumpa orang yang kata dia tak baca buku pun boleh dapat A. Paling tidak dia kata baca sikit dan sikit dia tu apabila kumpul-kumpul hari-hari memang jadi bukit.


Semua nota dan artikel dalam blog ini boleh disebarkan

secara percuma dengan syarat ada pautan balik

Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Thursday, May 19, 2011

Modul Pengajaran Berasaskan Internet

Modul Pengajaran Berasaskan Internet

Share tok kurang kimia

Matapelajaran Kimia Tingkatan 4

Welcome to the GBS Chemistry Homepage

WWW Chemistry Resources

Virtual Library: Chemistry site is located at

Introduction to Chemistry

the structure of the atom (video)

chemical formulae and equations

periodic table of elements (video)

chemical bonds


acid and bases


manufactured substances in industry

Pengenalan kepada Kimia

Maklumat tentang maksud kimia dan cabang-cabang kimia
Maklumat tentang kaedah penyiasatan sainifik

Struktur Atom
Struktur atom dan subatom yang terkandung dalam atom serta isotop unsur tertentu.animasi yang menarik tentang struktur atom
Maklumat tentang sejarah perkembangan model atom Animasi tentang model atom yang diperkenalkan oleh saintis.
Maklumat tentang struktur atom dan isotop. Mengandungi maklumat tentang nombor proton dan nombor nucleon .
Maklumat tenang sususnan electron dalam atom. Rajah-rajah yang mengilustrasikan susunan electron dalam atom juga diberikan

Formula dan persamaan kimia
Maklumat tentang jisim atom relative dan jisim molekul relative
Mengandungi maklumat tentang takrifan mol bahan


maklumat tentang cara menulis persamaan kimia yang seimbang.Latihan-latihan tentang penulisan kimia yang diberikan.

Jadual Berkala Unsur
Maklumat tentang jadual berkala.Anda juga boleh memperolehi ciri-ciri unsur dalam jadual berkata
Maklumat tentang unsur-unsur dalam jadual berkala. Maklumat tentang sejarah sumber,cirri dan kegunaan unsure tertentu daripada laman web yang berkaitan dengannya.

Ikatan Kimia
Maklumat tentang pembentukan ikaatan ionik dan ikatan kovalen
Mengandungi tentang perbandingan sifat ikatan ionic dan ikatan kovalen

Maklumat tentang elektrolit dan bukan elektrolit
Maklumat tentang pembinaan sel elekron untuk mengelektrolisiskan air.‘electrolysis%20of%20molten%20compounds
Mengandungi maklumat tentang proses elektrolisis dan kegunaannya

Maklumat tentang pengekstrakan aluminium daripada bijihnya
Maklumat tentang sel kimia
Maklumat tentang sel nikel hidrida

Asid dan Bes
Mengandungi takrifan bagi asid dan bes
Maklumat tentang asid dan bes serta penutralan antara asid dan bes juga diberkan.
Maklumat tentang kekuatan asid dan bes.

Maklumat tentang penyediaan garam larut dan garam tidak larut.Ujian pengesanan bagi ion logam (ion positif) dan ion bukan logam (ion negative) juga diberi.

Mengandungi maklumat tentang analisis kualitatif bagi garam


Bahan Buatan dalam industri
Maklumat tentang pembuatan asid sulfuric dalam industri
Maklumat tentang sintesis ammonia melalui proses haber dalam industri dan penyediaan garam ammonia
Mengandungi maklumat tentang duralumin
Mengandungi maklumat tentang polimer
Mengandungi cirri-ciri kaca dan seramik
Mengandungi maklumat tentang bahan-bahan komposit dan kegunaannya.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

10 Steps to Improving Your Study Skills

10 Steps to Improving Your Study Skills

Improving your study skills can be the great educational equalizer. Effective studying is the one element guaranteed to produce good grades in school. But it is ironic that students are almost never taught how to study - effectively - in school.
Example: An important part of studying is note-taking, yet few students receive any instruction in this skill. At best, you are told simply, "You had better take notes," but not given any advice on what to record or how to use the material as a learning tool.
Fortunately, reliable data on how to study does exist. It has been scientifically demonstrated that one method of note-taking is better than another and that there are routes to more effective reviewing, memorizing and textbook reading as well. The following are 10 proven steps you can take to improve your study habits. I guarantee that if you really use them, your grades will improve.

1. Behavior modification can work for you.

Use the association learning concept. Attempt, as nearly as possible, to study the same subject at the same time in the same place each day. You will find that, after a very short while, when you get to that time and place, you are automatically in the subject "groove."
Train your brain to think math on a time-place cue, and it will no longer take you 10 minutes a day to get in the math mood. Not only will you save the time and emotional energy you once needed to psych yourself up to do math, or whatever else, it will also help you remember more of what you are studying.
After studying, reinforce yourself by doing something want to do (watch television, go to a party). Experts know that positive reinforcement of a behavior (such as studying) will increase its frequency and duration.

2. Do not study more than an hour at a time without taking a break.

In fact, if you are doing straight memorization, do not spend more than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Here is the rationale behind taking such small bites out of study time.
First, when you are under an imposed time restriction, you use the time more efficiently. Have you noticed how much studying you manage to cram into the day before big exams? That is why it is called "cramming."
Second, psychologists say that you learn best in short takes. In fact, studies have shown that as much is learned in four one- hour sessions distributed over four days as in one marathon six- hour session during one day. That is because, between study times, while you are sleeping or eating or reading a novel, your mind subconsciously works on absorbing what you have learned. So it counts as study time, too.
Keep in mind when you are memorizing, whether it is math formulas or a foreign language or names and dates, that you are doing much more real learning more quickly than when you are reading a social studies text or an English essay.
The specialists say you will get your most effective studying done if you take a 10-minute break every hour. In fact, some good students study 45 minutes to an hour, and they take a five- to 10-minute break. The break is considered your reward and improves your learning over the next hour.
Dr. Walter Pauk, former Director of the Reading and Study Center at Cornell University, suggests you take that short break whenever you feel you need one. That way, you will not waste your time away by clock-watching and anticipating your break.
Another technique for keeping your mind from wandering while studying is to begin with your hardest or least favorite subject and work toward the easiest and/or the one you like best. Thus, your reward for studying the least favorite or hardest is studying the subject you like best. Try it; it works.

3. Separate the study of subjects that are alike.

Brain waves are like radio waves. If there is not enough space between input, you get interference. The more similar the kinds of learning taking place, the more interference. So, separate your study periods for courses with similar subject matter. Follow your studying of math with an hour of Spanish or history, not chemistry or statistics.

4. Do not study when you are tired.

Psychologists have found that everyone has a certain time of day when he or she gets sleepy. Do not try to study during that time (but do not go to sleep either - it hardly ever refreshes). Instead, schedule some physical activity for that period, such as recreation. If you have a stack of schoolwork, use that time to sort your notes or clear up your desk and get your books together or study with a friend.

5. Prepare for your class at the best time.

If it is a lecture course, do your studying soon after class; if it is a course in which students are called on to recite or answer questions, study before class. After the lecture, you can review and organize your notes. Before the recitation classes, you can spend your time memorizing, brushing up on your facts and preparing questions about the previous recitation. Question-posing is a good technique for helping the material sink in and for pinpointing areas in which you need more work.

6. Use the best note-taking system for you.

Quite a bit of research has been done on note-taking, and one system has emerged as the best. Use 81/2-by-11-inch loose-leaf paper and write on just one side. (This may seem wasteful, but it is one time when economizing is secondary.) Take the time to rule your page as follows:
  1. If the course is one in which lecture and text are closely related, use the 2-3-3-2 technique: Make columns of two inches down the left-hand side for recall clues, three inches in the middle for lecture notes and three inches on the right side for text notes. Leave a two-inch space across the bottom of the page for your own observations and conclusions. See Figure 20 (Three-Column Note-Taking System).
  2. If it is a course where the lectures and the reading are not closely related, use separate pages for class notes and reading notes, following the 2-5-1 technique: Two inches at left for recall clues, five in the middle for lecture notes and an inch at the right for observations and conclusions. (After a while, you will not need to draw actual lines.)
You have most likely taken your lecture notes in the form that evolved during your years of schooling. You have also probably evolved your own shorthand system, such as using a "g" for all "-ing" endings, an ampersand (&) for "and," and abbreviations for many words (e.g., govt. for government and evaptn. for evaporation).
The recall clue column is the key to higher marks. As soon as possible after you have written your notes, take the time to read them over - not studying them, just reading them. Check right away, while it is all still fresh, to see whether you have left out anything important or put down anything incorrectly, and make changes.
After reviewing what you have written, set down recall clue words to the topics in your notes. These clue words should not repeat information but should designate or label the kind of information that is in your notes. They are the kind of clues you would put on "crib sheets."
Example: To remember the information contained so far in this section on note-taking, you need just the following clues: 8 1/2-by-11, loose-leaf, one side: 2-3-3-2 or 2-5-1. As you can see, they are simply memory cues to use later on in your actual studying.
Dr. Robert A. Palmatier, Assistant Professor of Reading Education at the University of Georgia, suggests that you study for tests in the following manner:
  • Take out your loose leaf pages and shift them around so the order makes the most sense for studying.
  • Choose the first page and cover up the notes portion, leaving visible just the clues. See if you can recall the notes that go with the clues. As you get a page right, set it aside.
  • If you are going to be taking a short-answer test, shuffle your note pages so that they are out of order. (That is why it is important to use just one side of the paper.) "This approach provides for learning without the support of logical sequence," Dr. Palmatier says, "thus, closely approximating the actual pattern in which the information must be recalled.'
  • If you are going to be taking an essay test, you can safely predict that "those areas on which the most notes are taken will most often be the areas on which essay questions will be based."
The beauty of the "recall clue word" note-taking method is that it provides a painless way to do the one thing proved to help you remember what you have learned - actively thinking about the notes and making logical sense of them in your mind. If, instead, you just keep going over your recorded notes, not only will you get bored, but you will be trying to memorize in the worst way possible.

7. Memorize actively, not passively.

Researchers have found that the worst way to memorize -- the way that takes the most time and results in the least retention -- is to simply read something over and over again. If that is the way you memorize, forget it. Instead, use as many of your senses as possible.
  • Try to visualize in concrete terms, to get a picture in your head. In addition to sight use sound: Say the words out loud and listen to yourself saying them.
  • Use association: Relate the fact to be learned to something personally significant or find a logical tie-in.
Examples: When memorizing dates, relate them to important events, the dates of which you already know. Use mnemonics: For example, the phrase "Every good boy does fine,", is used for remembering the names of the musical notes on the lines of the treble clef. Use acronyms, like OK4R, which is the key to remembering the steps in the reading method outlined in number 8, below.

8. Read and study at the same time.

It really takes less time in the long run! Read with a purpose. Instead of just starting at the beginning and reading through to the end, you will complete the assignment much faster and remember much more if you first take the time to follow the OK4R method devised by Dr. Walter Pauk:
  • Overview - Read the title, the introductory and summarizing paragraphs and all the headings included in the reading material. Then you will have a general idea of what topics will be discussed.
  • K - Key Ideas - Go back and skim the text for the key ideas (usually found in the first sentence of each paragraph). Also read the italics and bold type, bulleted sections, itemizations, pictures and tables.
  • R1- Read -your assignment from beginning to end. You will able to do it quickly, because you already know where the author is going and what he/she is trying to prove.
  • R2 - Recall - Put aside the text and say or write, in a few key words or sentences, the major points of what you have read. It has been proven that most forgetting takes place immediately after initial learning. Dr. Pauk says, "One minute spent in immediate recall nearly doubles retention of that piece of data!"
  • R3 - Reflect - The previous step helps to fix the material in your mind. To cement it there forever, relate it to other knowledge; find relationships and significance for what you have read.
  • R4 - Review - This step does not take place right away. It should be done for the next short quiz, and then again for later tests throughout the term. Several reviews will make that knowledge indelibly yours.

9. Make up a color and sign system for text and notes.

For your text, Dr. Palmatier suggests:
  • Red for main ideas
  • Blue for dates and numbers
  • Yellow for supporting facts.
  • Circles, boxes, stars and checks in the margins can also be utilized to make reviewing easy.
  • Make your own glossary of the words and concepts you do not know.
In your notebook, underline, star or otherwise mark the ideas which your teacher tells you are important: thoughts to which you are told you will be coming back later, items which you are warned to be common mistakes. Watch for the words - such as thereforeand in essence - which tell you what is being summarized. Always record examples. In fact, in such subjects as math, your notes should consist
mainly of your teacher's examples.
Pay close attention in your note-taking until the last minute of class time. Often, a teacher gets sidetracked and runs out of time. He/she may jam up to a half-hour's content into the last five or 10 minutes of a lecture. Get down that packed-few minutes' worth. If necessary, stay on after class to get it all down.

10. Do not buy underlined textbooks.

Of course, if the book does not belong to you, you will not be underlining at all. But if you underline, do it sparingly. The best underlining is not as productive as the worst note-taking.
Over-underlining is a common fault of students; only the key words in a paragraph should be underlined. It should be done in ink or felt-tip highlighter, and it should be done only after you have finished the "OK" part of your OK4R reading.
If you are buying your books secondhand, never buy one that has already been underlined. You may tend to rely on it, and you have no idea whether the hand that helped the pencil got an "A" or a " F" in the course! If, due to availability or finances, you have to buy an underlined textbook, mark it in a different color.
Research has proven that it is not how much time you study that counts but how well you study during that time. In fact, in at least one survey, students who studied more than 35 hours a week came out with poorer grades than those who studied less.
Remember: Use your study time wisely, and you too will come out ahead.


Paul D. Nolting, Ph.D., Winning at Math, 1997 1989 by Academic Success Press, Inc

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Berkawan Cara Rasulullah S.A.W.

Persahabatan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dengan Saidina Abu Bakar adalah ikatan persaudaraan yang perlu dicontohi umat Islam.
Kedua-duanya mempunyai akhlak mulia, sama haluan dalam perjuangan sehingga terjalin kasih sayang dan kemesraan. Ia sewajarnya dijadikan panduan bagi umat Islam memilih kawan yang baik.
Keutamaan Abu Bakar di mata Rasulullah s.a.w. dijelmakan menerusi sabda Baginda bermaksud: "Jika ditimbang keimanan Abu Bakar dengan keimanan umat sekaliannya, nescaya akan berat lagi keimanan Abu Bakar." (H.R. al-Baihaqi)
Rasulullah s.a.w. juga meluahkan isi hatinya kepada Abu Bakar seperti sabda baginda :
"Semoga Allah merahmatimu! Engkau adalah sahabatku! Engkau telah membenarkan ketika orang lain mendustakanku, engkau telah membantuku ketika orang lain membiarkanku, engkau telah beriman kepadaku ketika orang lain mendustakanku, engkau telah mententeramkan hatiku ketika hatiku sedang dalam keadaan keluh kesah. Sesungguhnya tiada siapa pun, biar apa pun sekali yang dilakukannya buat diriku yang dapat menyamai apa yang dibuat olehmu."


Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: " Teman yang baik dan teman yang tidak baik itu diumpamakan seperti pembawa kasturi dan peniup api, maka si pembawa kasturi mungkin memberikan kasturi itu kepada kamu atau kamu dapat membelinya, atau kamu dapat mencium baunya yang wangi. Bagaimanapun peniup api mungkin membakar pakaianmu atau kamu dapat mencium baunya yang busuk." (H.R. al-Bukhari dan Muslim).
Rasulullah s.a.w menggariskan beberapa perkara bagi memilih teman atau kawan yang baik, antaranya:


" Jangan kamu bersahabat melainkan dengan orang yang beriman dan jangan berikan makan kecuali kepada orang yang bertaqwa." (H.R. Abu Daud dan At-Tirmizi).


:"Jauhilah kawan yang buruk (akhlak dan perangainya), kamu akan kenali sepertinya"
Seseorang itu berada atas cara hidup kawannya, maka perhatikanlah tiap seorang daripada kamu, siapakah yang didampinginya." (H.R. at-Tirmizi dan Abu Daud).


Ubadah Ibn As-Samit berkata: "Rasulullah s.a.w. mengikat janji dengan kami supaya dengar dan patuh ketika susah dan senang, yang disukai dan dibenci dan jangan merebut sesuatu dari tuannya kecuali ada bukti kekufurannya.

"Seorang Muslim dengan Muslim yang lain adalah bersaudara, dia tidak menzaliminya dan tidak mengelakkan diri daripada menolongnya, sesiapa yang melepas hajatnya, sesiapa yang melepaskan saudaranya daripada sesuatu kesempitan, maka Allah akan melepaskan satu kesempitan daripada kesempitan-kesempitan hari kiamat,

Sunday, March 27, 2011



JADUAL belajar amat perlu . Ia merupakan satu aspek pengurusan masa . Ia adalah satu ikatan atau disiplin diri , untuk memanfaatkan masa yang terluang . Setelah ditolak masa di sekolah , masa tidur , masa bersukan , masa makan , masa tuisyen ( atau kelas tambahan ) dan lain-lain .
Jadual belajar juga merupakan alat pembahagian di antara semua mata pelajaran yang perlu diberi perhatian . Pembahagian tersebut berdasarkan kepentingan mata pelajaran dan juga kelemahan setiap calon . Jadi jumlah masa belajar untuk setiap mata pelajaran berbeza-beza .
Langkah pertama dalam membuat jadual belajar ialah tetapkan masa belajar . Contohnya

Sunday, February 27, 2011



Masalah tak fokus - permudahkan hidup kita setiap hari

Posted by Irfan Khairi under Tip Motivasi
Ramai menghadapi masalah tak fokus. Bererti, pada satu masa, macam-macam nak dibuatkan, sampai satu pun tak jalan. Masalah besar juga.
Ada laporan mengatakan manusia mempunyai 50,000 - 60,000 fikiran / thoughts perday. Oleh kerana terlalu banyak yang difikirkan dalam kepala kita, tu yang terjadinya terlalu banyak perkara kita hendak lakukan, kerana apa yang kita fikir, adalah apa yang kita akan buat. Dan bila terlalu banyak difikiran, maka, kita hilang fokus.
So nak buat macam mana?
Permudahkan hidup kita. Simplify your life. Gunakan kertas dan pen untuk menulis apa yang anda perlu lakukan hari ini. Aksi menulis apa yang kita hendak lakukan bagaikan mengeluarkan buah fikiran kita ke kertas- suatu yang berbentuk nyata, dan boleh dipegang.
Fokuskan kepada apa yang anda tulis sahaja. Pada kertas tersebut, sebolehnya hanya mengandungi 3 kerja besar yang perlu anda lakukan hari ini. 3 kerja sederhana dan 3 kerja kecil untuk hari ini.
Rancangkan dan jadualkan hari anda. Kerana 10 minit merancang hari akan menjimat berjam-jam hari anda oleh kerana anda melakukan perancangan untuk lebih fokus.
Anda mempunyai masalah susah nak fokus?
Fokus adalah amat penting kerana kita boleh beri tumpuan 100% tenaga, usaha & kemampuan kita kepada sesuatu keadaan sahaja.
Bayangkan matahari yang terik… tentu la panas kan, kadangkala sampai kita tak tahan dengan kepanasannya…
Bayangkan pula kita mempunyai magnifying glass (kanta pembesar) dan gunakannya untuk menumpukan cahaya matahari kepada satu titik fokus.
Apa yang terjadi?
Fokus tersebut akan membuatkan kepanasan cahaya tersebut berganda sehingga boleh menyebabkan haba & api…
Dengan memberi tumpuan tenaga, usaha dan kemampuan kita pada satu titik fokus, tak kira kerja, perniagaan, atau hidup kita akan berjaya mencapai apa yang dimatlamatkan dengan lebih cepat dan mudah.
Ramai antara kita hilang fokus dalam hidup, itu yang menyebabkan matlamat kita tersasar.
Lepas ni, harapnya kita fikirkan magnifying glass & kesannya apabila fokus… harapan takde lagi kita hilang fokus ;)
Selamat bercuti & menyambut hari kemerdekaan!
Teringat satu kisah saya terbaca lebih kurang begini…
Ada satu kilang ni, tiba-tiba terhenti segala jentera/peralatan kerana mengalami masalah peralatannya. So, pemilik kilang ini pun terpaksa panggil seorang expert/pakar untuk periksa seluruh peralatan, saluran elektrik, paip-paip dan segalanya. Bila pakar tersebut sampai ke kilang, beliau pun periksa, dengan hanya sebuah notepad dan pen sahaja berjalan dan menjenguk saluran elektrik dan paip…
Masuk hari kedua, sambil berjalan-jalan dalam kilang (sambil diperhatikan oleh pemilik), beliau bersuara…
“Aha! ni lah masalah dia!” sambil mengambil kapur dalam poket seluarnya, dan menandakan “X” pada salah satu saluran paip.
Pemilik kilang pun, berterima kasih, kerana kini beliau tahu masalahnya dan boleh memanggil engineer untuk memperbaiki paip tersebut.
Keesokan harinya pula, pemilik kilang terkejut kerana menerima bil daripada pakar tersebut. Bil nya menunjukan RM20,000!
Ha!??? Dengan hanya menandakan X pada satu saluran paip, aku kena charge sampai RM20,000!
Tak puas hati punya pasal, pemilik kilang minta pakar ni beri pembahagian bayarannya kerana, sudah pasti, takkan sebab taruh pangkah X je dah kena charge RM20,000.
Keesokan harinya, pemilik kilang menerima pembahagian bil. Dalam bil tersebut tertulis:
  • Harga kapur untuk menandakan X                            RM 1.00
  • Harga mengetahui di mana meletakkan X                  RM 19,999
Motif cerita…
Dalam hidup, untuk berjaya dalam perniagaan/hidup/kewangan dan apa sahaja, kita kena tahu di mana kita perlu letakkan X kita. Ini adalah kunci kejayaan yang paling utama.
Anggap kapur tersebut adalah apa yang kita ada(kepakaran/kewangan/motivasi/ masa atau apa sahaja). Dan X adalah di mana kita meletakkan apa yang kita ada di tempat/keadaan yang sebaiknya.
X adalah fokus kita dalam hidup. Kebolehan anda untuk memilih waktu yang sesuai, tempat yang sesuai, dan aktiviti yang sesuai untuk meletakkan X anda supaya memberi impak yang TERBAIK dalam hidup anda adalah kunci untuk mengoptimakan hidup kita sendiri.
Pendapat Anda? 

Tip Satu Minit yang berkaitan:
  • Mengapa perlu fokus

  • Masalah tak fokus - permudahkan hidup kita setiap hari

  • Sekiranya ada dua arnab? Pilih satu!

  • Di mana nilai diri anda tertinggi?